X-ray Diffraction Instrument

Panalytical Empyrean Series 2 (NL)
- Pixcel 1D detector
- X-ray Cu tube with Line Focus and Point Focus
- FDS, Bragg Brentano HD (BBHD) and point focus (300 µm spot size) optics
- Automatic sample holder and changer for powdered samples (up to 45 specimens)
- Manipulable sample holders at x and y axes by a camera
Highscore Plus 4.x software
- ICSD database (480.000 cards)
- Quantitative phase analysis with Rietveld Refinement
- Calculating atom positions and occupancy with Rietveld Refinement
- Calculating crystal size with the Scherrer formula
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

- 1-30 kV of Accelerating Voltage
- Seconder electron (SE) and Backscattered electron (BSE) detectors
- Bruker EDX instrument
- Point and line semi-quantitative elemental analysis
- Qualitative elemental mapping
- Gold sputter coater (auxiliary equipment)