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Sem & Xrd Instruments


X-ray Diffraction Instrument

  Panalytical Empyrean Series 2 (NL)

  1. Pixcel 1D detector
  2. X-ray Cu tube with Line Focus and Point Focus
  3. FDS, Bragg Brentano HD (BBHD) and point focus (300 µm spot size) optics
  4. Automatic sample holder and changer for powdered samples (up to 45 specimens)
  5. Manipulable sample holders at x and y axes by a camera


Highscore Plus 4.x software

  1. ICSD database (480.000 cards)
  2. Quantitative phase analysis with Rietveld Refinement
  3. Calculating atom positions and occupancy with Rietveld Refinement
  4. Calculating crystal size with the Scherrer formula

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)


  1. 1-30 kV of Accelerating Voltage
  2. Seconder electron (SE) and Backscattered electron (BSE) detectors
  3. Bruker EDX instrument
  4. Point and line semi-quantitative elemental analysis
  5. Qualitative elemental mapping
  6. Gold sputter coater (auxiliary equipment)